RcppProgress 1.0.0
- fixed issue #38: Progress::check_abort() crashes in no Progress instance has been created
- added back and exported the test functions, allowing to easily test the included example packages (cf for instance)
- modernized the github repository
- now using vscode devcontainer
- using pkgdown and deploying doc to
- configured test coverage reporting using *codecov**
- now using roxygen2
- added CI github actions to test the package on multiple architectures and OSes (except on Macos for now), report the test coverage and deploy the documentation
- refreshed the documentation, the README, added vignette from the RcppGallery, and added a short vignette for RcppArmadillo
RcppProgress 0.4.2
CRAN release: 2020-02-06
- the constructor now clears out any existing Progress instance. That fixes some problems with recent versions of R that seem able sometimes to intercept the interrupt at the R level, cf
RcppProgress 0.4
CRAN release: 2017-11-21
RccpProgress now can use custom Progress Bars (draft by Clemens Schmid @nevrome) The include example package RcppProgressETA, included in RcppProgress is an example of using such a custom progress bar, and also contains an implementation (by Clemens Schmid @nevrome) of a vertical progress bar that displays the ETA (Estimated Time of completion).
reorganized the example tests functions: they are no longer implemented inside RcppProgress code, but called from the embedded RcppProgressExample example package. As a result RcppProgress no longer provides a dynamic library, nor does need to link against Rcpp. The example tests are also now available as testthat tests, thus used during the package check.
cleaned the Dockerfile and improved the docker-related Makefile targets
refactored the Makefile
RcppProgress 0.2
CRAN release: 2015-01-07
improvement by Jacques-Henri Jourdan to make it possible to use the progress monitor in multiple cpp files.
fixed compatibility problems with RcppArmadillo header.
provided a new example of using RcppArmadillo
used Rf_error instead of error in the implementation
add a note in the doc about RcppArmadillo
added this file